Change Color in Photos

Online color swapper in image. Choose the color to be removed and its replacement.

Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files.


How to change colors in an image?

You can change background color like red to white, hair color or eye color.

You can also change colors in a logo or switch colors in a photo using this tool.

  • Add all the images you want to image color from.
  • Choose original color to be removed from the color picker.
  • Choose the replacement color you want in an image.
  • Optionally choose a threshold value for matching original color.
  • Click convert & download modified color images.
What is swapping color in an image
  • Swapping color in an image refers to the process of replacing one color or range of colors with another color in an image. This can be done using various software tools and techniques, such as color replacement tools, color adjustment layers, and color balance adjustments.
What are the uses of swapping color in images?
  • Changing the overall color scheme of an image: Swapping color can be used to change the overall color scheme of an image, for example, to make it more warm or more cool.
  • Enhancing the overall aesthetics of the image: Swapping color can be used to enhance the overall aesthetics of an image, for example, by making certain colors stand out more or by creating a specific mood or theme associated with the image.
  • Correcting color issues: Swapping color can be used to correct color issues, such as color cast or white balance problems, in an image.
  • Creating a consistent visual style across a website or other visual medium: Swapping color can be used to create a consistent visual style across a website or other visual medium.
  • Creating a specific look or style: Swapping color can be used to create a specific look or style, such as a retro or vintage feel, in an image.
  • Improving the image's readability, by making sure that the text and other important elements are distinguishable from the background.
  • Matching the image's color scheme with the design of a website or other visual medium.
  • Creating a sense of depth or dimensionality in the image: Swapping color can be used to create a sense of depth or dimensionality in the image.
  • Highlighting certain elements of the image: Swapping color can be used to highlight certain elements of the image

Changing Background Color

Changing color: #1a5fb4 with color: #9141AC and threshold: 30.

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