Change opacity of image

Edit opacity of image to make it translucent or semi-transparent.

Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files.

Opacity Value

How to modify opacity of images

  • Add all the images you want to adjust opacity of.
  • Using the opacity value input, choose desired value between 0 and 1 to increase or decrease opacity.
  • You can preview image with modified opacity on the right.
  • Click convert & download images with changed opacity.
What is Opacity?
  • Opacity is a property of an image that determines how transparent or opaque it is. It is typically measured as a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being completely transparent and 1 being completely opaque. When an image has an opacity of 1, it is fully visible and covers any underlying elements. When an image has an opacity less than 1, it is semi-transparent and allows some of the underlying elements to be visible.
What are the uses of changing opacity
  • Layer multiple images: Changing the opacity of an image allows you to layer multiple images on top of each other and create a composite image. For example, you can use a transparent PNG image to overlay text or graphics on top of a background image.
  • Transparent overlays: Changing the opacity of an image can also be used to create transparent overlays that can be used to add text, graphics, or other elements to an existing image.
  • Blending images: Changing the opacity of an image can be used to blend an image with the background. This can be used to create a fade-in or fade-out effect, or to create a translucent effect.
  • Image watermarking: Changing the opacity of an image can be used to add a watermark to an image. This can be useful for protecting your images from unauthorized use.
  • Image cropping: Changing the opacity of an image can be used to create a cropping effect, where only a part of the image is visible.
  • Image masking: Changing the opacity of an image can be used to create a masking effect, where only certain parts of the image are visible and the rest are hidden.
  • Image compositing: Changing the opacity of an image can be used to composite images together, where multiple images are combined to form a single image.
What is difference between brightness and opacity?
  • Brightness and opacity are two different properties of an image that are used to manipulate and adjust the appearance of an image.
  • Brightness refers to the overall lightness or darkness of the image. It is a measure of the amount of light that is present in the image, and it affects the perceived contrast and visual appeal of the image. Brightness can be adjusted to correct for poor lighting conditions or to achieve a desired visual effect.
  • Opacity refers to the degree of transparency of an image. It is a measure of how visible or hidden an image is. An image with an opacity of 1 is fully visible, while an image with an opacity of 0 is completely transparent. Opacity can be adjusted to layer multiple images on top of each other, or to blend an image with the background.
  • In summary, brightness adjusts the amount of light in an image, while opacity adjusts the visibility of the image.

Change Opacity

Changing Opacity set to 0.3.

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