Apply Exposure Effect to images

Apply Exposure effect to photos online.

Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files.


How to apply Exposure effect to images online?

  • Add all the images you want to apply exposure effect to.
  • Enter exposure amount between 1 and 5.
  • You can preview image on the right.
  • Download image individually using Download button.
  • Download all exposure effect applied images at once using the Download All button.
what is exposure effect in images?
  • Exposure effect in images refers to the amount of light that is captured by a camera's sensor when taking a photo. In photography, exposure refers to the process of adjusting the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO settings on a camera to control the amount of light that is captured. The correct exposure is when the image is captured with the correct amount of light, making the image appear neither too bright nor too dark.
  • An image with an exposure effect is an image that has been deliberately underexposed or overexposed to create a specific visual effect. For example, an underexposed image will appear darker and moodier, while an overexposed image will appear brighter and more washed out.
  • Underexposure effect: It's when the camera doesn't receive enough light to correctly expose the image, resulting in a darker image.
  • Overexposure effect: It's when the camera receives too much light and the image becomes too bright and washed out.
What are uses of exposure effect?
  • Creating a specific visual effect: By deliberately underexposing or overexposing an image, a photographer can create a specific visual effect that might not be possible to achieve with a correctly exposed image.
  • Highlighting or emphasizing specific areas of an image: By adjusting the exposure of an image, a photographer can emphasize or de-emphasize certain areas of the image.
  • Creating a sense of mood or atmosphere: By adjusting the exposure, a photographer can create a sense of mood or atmosphere in an image.
  • Improving the composition and balance of an image: By adjusting the exposure, a photographer can improve the composition and balance of an image.
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