Change Gamma of images

Edit gamma of photos online to optimize light.

Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files.

Gamma Value

How to modify gamma of images online?

Change image gamma to modify color saturation of pixels.

  • Add all the images you want to change gamma of.
  • Input gamma value. A value close to 0 will darken image while higher value will brighten.
  • You can preview image on the right.
  • Download image individually using Download button.
  • Download all gammed edited images at once using the Download All button.
What is changing gamma of images?
  • Gamma correction, also known as gamma encoding, is a technique used in image processing to adjust the brightness and contrast of an image. The gamma value, also known as the gamma correction factor, controls the relationship between the input and output of an image.
  • The gamma value of an image controls the brightness of the mid-tones, or the tones in the middle of the brightness range of an image. A lower gamma value will result in a darker image, while a higher gamma value will result in a brighter image.
  • Gamma correction can be used to adjust the overall brightness and contrast of an image, and to correct for the non-linear response of certain displays and printers. It can also be used to adjust the brightness of an image to match the viewing conditions of the image. For example, adjusting the gamma of an image to match the viewing conditions of a room with low light.
What are uses of changing gamma?
  • Adjusting the overall brightness and contrast of an image
  • Correcting for the non-linear response of certain displays and printers
  • Adjusting the brightness of an image to match the viewing conditions
  • Improving the overall look and feel of an image
  • Creating a specific visual effect in an image
  • Enhancing the overall quality of an image
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