Rotate hue of images

Shift hue of photos to change colors of a picture online.

Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files.

Hue Rotation Value


Luminance Value

How to change hue value of images online?

  • Add all the images you want to change hue of.
  • Input hue rotate value.
  • Preview images with changed hue on the right.
  • Download image individually using Download button.
  • Download all resized images at once using the Download All button.
What is Hue, Saturation & Luminance?
  • Hue, saturation, and luminance (also called brightness) are three aspects of color that are used to describe and manipulate images and video.
  • Hue: refers to the dominant wavelength of light that makes up a color. It is often described as the "color" of the light, and is typically measured as a value between 0 and 360 degrees on a color wheel. For example, red has a hue of 0 degrees, while purple has a hue of 300 degrees.
  • Saturation: refers to the intensity or purity of a color. A fully saturated color is considered to be pure and vivid, while a desaturated color is closer to gray. Saturation is typically measured as a value between 0 and 100%. For example, a fully saturated red has a saturation of 100%, while a desaturated red has a saturation of 50%.
  • Luminance: (or brightness) refers to the amount of light that a color reflects. Luminance is typically measured as a value between 0 and 100%. For example, a black color has a luminance of 0%, while a white color has a luminance of 100%.
What are the uses of changing hue, saturation & luminance?
  • In image and video processing, hue, saturation, and luminance are often used to adjust and manipulate the colors of an image or video. For example, increasing the saturation will make the colors more vivid, while decreasing the saturation will make the colors more muted. Similarly, increasing the luminance will make the image or video brighter, while decreasing the luminance will make it darker.

Changing the Hue

Setting a negative hue value for effects on autumn leaf image.

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