Remove background in an image

Remove a background color or photo to make transparent background image

Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files.


How to remove background color

Using background remover tool, you can make transparent images.

  • Add all the images you want to remove background color from.
  • Choose a background color or image to erase.
  • Click download or Download all to download all images with no background.
What is removing background in an image?
  • Removing background color in an image refers to the process of removing a specific color or range of colors from an image. This can be done manually, using image editing software, or automatically using image processing algorithms. The resulting image will have the designated color(s) removed, revealing what is beneath it.
What are the uses of removing background color in an image?
  • One of the main uses is to isolate the subject of the image, making it easier to edit or manipulate. This can be useful in graphic design, product photography, and photo editing, as it allows you to remove any unwanted elements or distractions from the image.
  • Additionally, removing the background color can also help to enhance the overall composition or visual impact of the image.
  • It can also be used to make the image transparent and use in other applications.

Remove Background

Removing blue background with color: #1a5fb4 and threshold: 20.

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