Extract files from CAB online

Uncompress files from CAB

Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files.

How to Unzip/Extract files online?

  • Drag & drop a zip file or select a file by clicking on input area.
  • Click on List files button to view files list.
  • If zip file is password protected, input password in password field.
  • You can download files individually.
What is compressed file extractor?
  • A compressed file extracter is a software tool or program that allows users to extract or unpack the contents of a compressed file, such as a .zip, .rar, .7z, .tar, .gz, or other archive file format.
  • This tool can be used to extract files from an archive and extract the files from the archive. The extracted files can then be used or viewed as normal files.
What the uses of file extractor?
  • Extracting files and folders from a compressed archive to access the individual files.
  • Extracting files from an archive to a specific location, such as a different directory or hard drive.
  • Extracting files from an archive to a password-protected location.
  • Extracting files from an archive to a specific location and preserving the original file structure of the archive.
  • Extracting files from an archive to view and edit the files without having to open the archive every time.
  • Extracting files from an archive to share the individual files with others who may not have the software to open the archive file.
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🖥 100% Secure. All conversions happen inside your computer. Your files are NOT sent to any server.

✨ Lightening Fast. All processing happens instantly in your browser, without any queue.

🤑 100% Free. No size limits. No Premiums. No Upsells. All utilities are free.